Online registration for Winter Workshop 2015 is now closed.
This workshop is full. Registration is closed
Winter Workshop 2015, Registration, Part 1
Note: You must complete the registration process and pay in order to reserve your place in Martin's Winter Workshop.
Register now, this event will fill in very short order.
♦ On-line payment, by credit card or PayPal is best.
This payment method is secure and your registration will be confirmed immediately.
♦ We do accept payment by check, but spots are not guaranteed until the registrar receives a check and sends an email confirmation.
We temporarily hold a spot for you after receiving a registration indicating "pay-by-check". If the registrar has not received your check within three days, the slot goes back into the pool and may be lost to another dancer.
If you choose this option, send the check immediately... now... REALLY!
Sliding Scale: We offer a range of prices to make this event more accessible. Please select the level that is honorably the most appropriate for your situation.
Applying for Pay-it-forward Scholarships:
At this workshop we will award a limited number of $40 scholarships to dancers who could not otherwise afford to attend the event. (To further reduce your fee, also apply for Work Exchange.) If you apply, we assume that you truly need the support. Fill in the appropriate section below and your fee will be discounted. As always, everything about your financial information remains confidential.
(Note: Contact Improv Boston reserves the right reject a scholarship deemed inappropriate after review by the registrar.)
Work Exchange: If you wish to be considered for work exchange, register below, and immediately contact
You must pay the full registration amount up-front. Assuming that work exchange is arranged, you will receive a refund, after the event, at a rate of $10/approximate-hour worked. Work exchange can cover a maximum of 50% of your fee. It is a separate program from scholarships.
Everyone, please: Contribute to the Pay-it-forward Scholarship Fund when you register. CIB will match and distribute the funds at our next event.