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Mailing List

Sign up for the Contact Improv Boston email listserv here.  

The list is announce-only; it posts a few messages each week about contact improvisation events in and around Boston.  Messages will have [CIB] at the beginning of the subject line. It makes it easy to recognize messages coming from the list.

To sign up, click this link:  Join the [CIB] listserv 
You should be transferred to your email software with the correct address pre-filled on the "To:"  line.  Just hit your "Send" button.  Groups.io will respond with a confirmation email; answer positively, and you will be added to the list.  

If somehow this does not work. Follow these instructions:
From the address you intent to subscribe, send an email message (any message, even a blank one) to 
 contactimprovboston+subscribe@groups.io and that should start the process.

Our listserv is fully moderated. Only members can submit posts, and only messages that are about contact improvisation and are relevant to Boston dancers will be approved. There are other online resources for general dance announcements in Boston and elsewhere; we try to keep our messages very focused.