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Meet the Board

Contact Improv Boston (CIB) is a 501 (c) 3 organization that exists to cultivate and support the Boston Contact Improvisation dance community.   We consist of up to 7 volunteer board members and a number of active participants who play adjunct roles that we refer to as CIB "pixies". Board members serve open-ended terms and since its creation, more than a dozen different members have served.  Are you interested in supporting Contact Improv in the Boston area?  There might be a role for you, as board member or as pixie.  Contact any one of us to ask how you can get involved.

© TennCoDerek Gustafson first found CI while visiting friends at Oberlin Unversity in the late 1990s.  His love of the form continued to deepen over the years, and desire to help shape how CI is held in Boston brought him onto the board in 2012.  When not dancing, he works as a carpenter.



 James Novakowski

James came to CI in October 2017 from a varied movement background that includes yoga, aikido, and rock climbing. Once introduced to the form, he fell in love with the creative expression of athleticism, the opportunity to play, and the meditative aspects of finding balance whether in movement or in stillness. He works as a data analyst and coder, and does his best to dance on any day that ends in a "y".

© Lisa Kennedy 2016Paul Spielman: Paul is a founding member of Contact Improv Boston and very active board member.  He is the general go-to guy for the Tuesday jams and classes, keeps up the CIB website, works on publicity for most of our events, and does whatever else interesting comes up.  He also holds leadership roles with Dance New England and Camp Timber Trails.

Paul came to Boston in 1976 and immediately joined the improv dance community.  In 1978, he discovered CI and it has since absorbed much of his focus.  Paul loves to dance here in Boston, and whenever he travels, he arranges to take in a jam or two.
Charles Deitrich, joined the Board in 2024.  Welcome to Charles


This could be you!

This could be you!




New board members to be determined