February Workshop with Moti, 2025: Reg Part 1
Note: You must complete the registration process and pay in order to reserve your place in the Fundamentals Workshop, 2025.
Payment Methods:
On-line payment is best.
Payment by Credit Card or through a PayPal account is secure and your registration will be confirmed immediately. We are not set-up to accept Venmo online at this time.
We do accept check payments, but spots aren't guaranteed until the registrar receives your check and sends an email confirmation.
If the registrar has not received your check within 3 days, you may lose your registration.
If you choose this option, send the check immediately... now... REALLY!
Last minute Covid-19 considerations:
Please plan on avoiding crowds in the few days before the workshop.
DO NOT COME TO THE WORKSHOP IF you are feeling ill on the workshop date, have a positive test (even if asypmtomatic), or have been exposed to Covid-19. Notify us and you will get a refund. Text to 781-254-0868.
Here comes the registration form: