CI Fundamentals Workshop:
Ready to Give, Ready to Receive
with Moti Zemelman
Sunday, February 2nd, 1:15-6:30pm in Cambridge
This Workshop is SOLD-OUT
Contact Improvisation isn't just a dance...© Levi Gershkowitz
It's a way of life!
Dive into the core foundations of Contact Improvisation in this full-day of technique and insight with seasoned CI teacher, Moti Zemelman.
Whether you are exploring CI for the first time or looking to deepen your practice, this workshop will offer valuable insights and practices to enhance your dance and perhaps, your life.
Key Themes & Techniques:
- Listening: Tune into your body and your partner’s, cultivating awareness of movement, energy, and sensation.
- Weight Sharing: Explore the balance between giving and receiving, and experiment with support and surrender on your feet, on the floor, and in the air.
- Entering & Ending the Dance: Learn techniques for starting and transitioning in and out of dances with ease and confidence.
- Solo, Duet, and Group Work: Move between solo explorations, partnering, and group improvisation, fostering collaboration and connection.
- Embodied Presence: Stay present and engaged through curiosity, breath, and surrender.
"Become permeable to your own intuitions and impulses. Connect to your partner, connect to yourself, connect to presence. Every moment is an opportunity to enter the dance more deeply. Replace ambition with curiosity - Be a beginner... Always."
Sunday, February 2nd, 2025
Doors open - Registration and personal warm-up..........1:15pm
Workshop activities.........................................................1:30-6:15pm
Snack break sometime in the middle (BYO, please)
Out of the space by........................................................6:30pm
Food note: Snack break will have a fairly quick turn-around.
Please BYO. CIB will provide some snack stuff, but bring your own as well.
Costs and Registration: SOLD OUT
Register soon. Registration is limited to 30 participants.
On-line Discount Pricing:
Discount on-line registration closes midnight, Thursday, 1/30/2025
$75 - Regular rate - Employed, retired, self employed.
$85 - Well-employed rate - Please pay this if you can.
$65 - Reduced rate, for severe economic situation, unemployed, students
$100 - Supporting the arts rate
Financial Aid Fund:
To Apply: If the lowest level of our sliding scale is too expensive for you, we offer a limited number of applicants $20 off their fee on a first-come-first-served basis.
Apply on the registration form.
To Contribute: If you have even a little extra, please contribute to the financial aid fund as you register. Your support enables more dancers to attend CIB events.
♦♦ Sorry, we are sold-out ♦♦
At the door pricing: (if available) Not available
$85 - Regular rate - Employed, retired, self employed.
$95 - Well-employed rate - Please pay this if you can.
$65 - Reduced rate, for severe economic situation, unemployed, students
$110 - Supporting the Arts rate
St. Mary Orthodox Church, 8 Inman St, Central Square, Cambridge
(The location of the Tuesday Jam, right behind Life Alive Cafe)
Transportation: Accessible by T (Red line to Central Square) or if you drive, allow time to find parking. There are some parking spots in the lot behind the church; check there first.
Covid and Health Considerations:
Be considerate of personal choices. Contact Improv Boston does not require masks or vaccinations.
Please be mindful of your activities particularly in the week before the workshop and take an antigen test in the 24 hours before the workshop, if possible.
Do not attend if you test positive (even without symptoms), or if you are feeling sick (even with a negative test), or if you have been in close contact with somebody with active Covid symptoms in the last few days. Your registration fee will be refunded.
You must notify the registrar in order to receive this refund.
Teacher Bio:
© John FicsherMoti Zemelman, MFA has practiced Contact Improvisation for 36 years and taught over 1,500 workshops/classes in 14 countries, 24 States/Provinces and 90 cities. His teaching emphasizes the importance of cultivating a deep and embodied sense of presence and encorporates NVC, Tantra, Butoh, Byron Katie's "The Work" and the Wheel of Consent. He’s been both teacher & board member at Earthdance where he co-organized Touch&Play Festival for 6 years. He is a featured dancer in Sanford Lewis's documentary film about CI, An Intimate Dance, and also designs and moderates the international Contact Improv resource website,
About registration: Email Matt:
About workshop content: Email Moti:
Cancellation Policy:
• If CIB finds it necessary to cancel the entire event for any reason, we will refund the full registration fee of registered participants.
• If a registered participant withdraws from an event for any reason by midnight, Friday, 1 week before the event, we will fully refund their registration fee.
• If a registered participant withdraws closer to the event for health (or exposure) reasons and notifies the registrar, a full refund will be issued.
• If a registered participant withdraws closer to the event date for non-health related reasons or does not notify us, no refund will be issued. Also applies to no-show.
• We will consider hardship situations for refunds before and during the event. Please notify the registrar.