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Fall Jam 2016, Registration, Part 1

On-line registration is closed, but you can still attend any or all parts of the Fall Jam.  Simply walk-in and pay at the door.

Note:  You must complete the registration process and pay in order to reserve your place in Fall Jam and Workshop, 2015.

Please register now; it really helps us in planning the event.

♦ On-line payment, by credit card or PayPal is best.  
This payment method is secure and your registration will be confirmed immediately. 

♦ We do accept payment by check, but spots are not guaranteed until the registrar receives a check and sends an email confirmation.  
We temporarily hold a spot for you after receiving a registration indicating "pay-by-check". If the registrar has not received your check within three days, the slot goes back into the pool and may be lost to another dancer.  
If you choose this option, send the check immediately...  now...  REALLY!

Sliding Scale:  We offer a range of prices to make this event more accessible. Please select the level that is honorably the most appropriate for your situation.

To Apply: If you are in need, we offer a limited number of applicants $25-off their fee on a first-come-first-served basis. Apply below. (Note: Contact Improv Boston reserves the right reject a scholarship application deemed inappropriate after review by the registrar.)

To Donate: If you have, even a little extra, please donate, below, to help your fellow dancers afford to come to future CIB events. 

Work Exchange: To be considered for Work Exchange (WEX), indicate below.
You must pay the full registration amount up-front.  Assuming that work exchange is arranged and work completed, you will receive a refund, after the event, at a rate of $12/approximate-hour worked. Work exchange can cover a maximum of 50% of your fee.  It is a separate program from scholarships.



Sliding Scale (selection required)
We use an honor system for our sliding admission scale. Please select the highest rate possible in consideration of the following guidelines:
  • Full-time student rate — (also unemployed or severe economic issues)
  • Regular rate — Employed, retired, self employed. This is most of us.
  • Professional rate — Please pay this rate if you can.
  • Supporting the Arts rate
Applying for a Scholarship?
Check the box below, and fill in the text box (required). Your scholarship will be deducted from your total on the next page of this registration process (unless 7 people apply for scholarships before you finish filling out this form.)

Scholarships are intended for those who could not otherwise afford to attend the event. Please tell us, in a sentence or two, the circumstances that cause you to apply (required)
Donation for Scholarship Fund
Funds donated here will be used to support people attending future CIB weekends.
Work Exchange

We all pitch in to help these events run smoothly, but we need some dedicated helpers who we know we can count on.

Would you like to be considered for a Work Exchange position at the jam?
  • Please use the checkboxes below to indicate when you are available. If you check multiple boxes, we'll only ask you to help out in the time slot when we need you most.
Contact Info
Postal Code
In Case of Emergency...

In the unlikely event you are injured the course of attending our event, whom should we contact?

ICE Contact Name
ICE Contact Relationship
ICE Contact Phone

If you are you coming from out-of-town, do you need us to find housing for you with a local community member?

(if so, please fill in details below)
  • Do you have any specific requests or needs regarding housing?

If you are local, can you offer housing to an out-of-towner?

(if so, please fill in details below)
  • I can host up to guest(s)
  • What type of space are you offering? Are you accessible via public transportation? Do you have any specific requests or needs regarding guests?
Dietary Restrictions
We are happy to provide vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free and gluten-free options. Let us know if any of those apply to you, and if you have other limitations. We can't make any promises, but we may be able to accommodate your needs.
How Did You Hear About This Event?

If "Other" please explain:
E-mail list subscription

We have a listserv for all our announcements, including those about our regular weekly events. We also have a "major events only" list to publicize our big weekend events like Fall Jam 2016. Let us know which list you'd prefer to be on:

E-mail address to subscribe
Anything else the registrar should know?