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Boston CI Calendar

Contact Improv Boston: Fall Fundamentals Workshop Series


NOTE: Walk in admission to this workshop is okay. Please arrive by 9:45am to register. 

This is the first of a three part series of full-day mixed-level workshops. 
Coming: October 14th - Neige Christenson, and November 4th - Olivier Besson

To skip some details and go right to the registration form click here.

Let’s transform the skill of falling safely into the best part of the dance!
Starting from the floor and slowly increasing our comfort levels, we will practice falling for fun, from various dynamic situations. We will learn to use the architecture of our bones, awareness of our pelvis, and buoyancy in our legs as a way to navigate graceful pathways to the floor. 
Through informed touch and movement we will explore the mobility and strength of our hip sockets; and learn about creating momentum and dynamic pivot points in our dance. We will expand our capacity for low-level falling and discover strategies to use falling as a doorway into true improvisation. We will practice falling (and following the fall) from higher levels and a variety of dynamic situations. We will develop skills for jumping and perching onto moving (falling) bodies. 
Disorientation can be incredibly fun and exhilarating when explored with helpful tools!

Neige and Olivier descriptions to follow, as available...

St. Mary's Orthodox Church, 8 Inman St, Central Square, Cambridge
Right around the corner from Life Alive Cafe
(same venue as the weekly Tuesday Jam)

Brando Workshop - Saturday, September 23, 2017
Doors opens; Registration & warmups ...........................9:30am
Morning workshop session............................................10:00am-1:00pm
Snack break (we supply a little or BYO)..........................1:00-2:00pm
Afternoon workshop Session..........................................2:00-4:00pm
Out of the space by......................................................4:30pm

Neige Workshop - Saturday, October 14, 2017 - Same time schedule

Olivier Workshop - Saturday, November 4, 2017 - Same time Schedule

COSTS AND REGISTRATION:                                back to top

Discount online registration closes 6pm, Friday 9/22/2017
Register now - this event is size limited and will likely sell out.
CIB uses a sliding scale and partial scholarships to make events affordable.

Rate for this event, Brando workshop, only:
$75 - Regular rate - Employed, retired, self employed. This is most of us.
$65 - Full-time student rate - (also unemployed or severe economic issues)
$85 - Professional rate.  Please pay this rate if you are well employed.
$100 - Supporting the Arts rate

Buy all three Fall Fundamentals Workshops and SAVE
Rate for the three-workshop series (Sept-Brando, Oct-Neige and Nov-Olivier)
Bonus - Get a card for free entry to one Tuesday Jam with this purchase
$197 - Regular rate - Employed, retired, self employed. This is most of us.
$167 - Full-time student rate - (also unemployed or severe economic issues)
$220 - Professional rate.  Please pay this rate if you are well employed.
$250 - Supporting the Arts rate


   Walk in admission to this workshop is okay. Please arrive by 9:45am to register. 
AT THE DOOR PRICING (For any of the three workshops, if space is available.)
$90 - Regular rate - Employed, retired, self employed. This is most of us.
$80 - Full-time student rate - (also unemployed or severe economic issues)
$100 - Professional rate.  Please pay this rate if you are well employed.
$120 - Supporting the Arts rate


To Apply: If the lowest level of our sliding scale is too expensive for you, we offer a limited number of applicants $20 off the one workshop fee or $52 off the three workshop fee, on a first-come-first-served basis. Apply on the registration form.

To Donate: Please, if you have even a little extra, donate to the scholarship fund as you register.  Your support enables more dancers to attend CIB events. 


Email Paul: registrations@contactimprovboston.com


Out-of-towners: You are welcome - come one, come all! We can help you with housing here in the homes of local dancers. Please pre-register and indicate you need housing; we'll work it out for you.

Locals: Please open your guest bedroom, extra couch, floorspace, etc, to our out-of-town visitors. We need the space and it builds the community.  Also, it's fun to get a little closer to dancers from afar.

Questions about housing:  Email housing@ContactImprovBoston.com

 Aaron (BRANDO) Brandes 
holds a Masters Degree in Education and loves the art of crafting pedagogy in a non-codified system such as Contact Improvisation. He has trained extensively with: Steve Paxton, Kirstie Simpson, and has performed with mentors such as Nancy Stark Smith and Chris Aiken. He currently tours with Set/GO!, a dance company focusing on spontaneous choreographies within CI. Brando teaches and performs CI internationally and serves on the CI Committee at Earthdance Retreat Center helping to shape the seasonal jams. He has been instrumental in creating the event, CI Ground Research, which encourages the ongoing research of Contact Improvisation by dancers from around the world. Brando’s YouTube page has over a half million views and can be viewed via his website www.AaronBrando.com.  A stalwart for specificity, Brando has trained with renowned anatomist Tom Myers at the KMI Institute and is a certified Fascial Bodywork/Structural Integration practitioner. He served a two-year residence at the Kripalu Center for Yoga, is a certified Yoga teacher and has a 20+ year history with Vipassana Meditation.


Cancelation Policy:
 •   If the whole event is canceled, we will refund the entire registration fee of pre-registered participants.  If we cancel an event part-way through, we will pro-rate that refund.
•   If a registered participant withdraws from an event more than two weeks before the event, we will fully refund their registration fee, minus a $10 administration fee.
•   If a registered participant withdraws less than two weeks before the event, no refund will be issued.  Also applies to no-show, (but please let us know so we can plan better.)
•   We will consider hardship situations for refunds before and during the event.  Please contact the registrar.